Commenting ahead of the publication of tomorrow’s A-level results, Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the largest teachers’ union in the UK, said:
“Students and their teachers are bracing themselves for greater volatility in this year’s results, particularly at AS level with the first students sitting exams under a new curriculum this year.
“Students and teachers have had a very short timescale to get to grips with the new syllabuses, particularly at a time when they have been trying to prepare for the introduction of revised A level courses from next month.
“Teachers, as usual, have worked hard to ensure that standards have been maintained despite this upheaval and the cuts to budgets in the post-16 sector, which have had a significant impact on the staffing levels and resources available in schools and colleges.
“Young people have continued to excel despite these challenges which have been compounded for many by the Government’s removal of financial support for the most disadvantaged students and its cuts to the system of independent careers advice and guidance.
“Tomorrow offers an opportunity to celebrate the talent of our young people, but should also provide pause for thought about the increasing barriers that students and schools are facing to achieve this success.”