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The NASUWT, the largest teachers’ union in the UK, has condemned the attack on trade unionists and public servants in Turkey following the recent coup attempt and has called on the UK Government and world leaders to put pressure on Turkey to end its unlawful repression of public officials.

Over 11,000 Kurdish teachers were suspended last week following the crackdown on tens of thousands of public sector workers and growing repression of human rights by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Seconding a motion on Turkey and solidarity with the Kurdish population at TUC Congress in Brighton today, NASUWT Ex-President Graham Dawson, said:

“The NASUWT is proud to have been working with colleagues in the Turkish teachers’ union Egitim Sen for the last 10 years. A series of repressive governments have used a variety of trumped up charges to oppress colleagues and attack their right to organise and fight for their rights as working people.

“More recently we have seen an escalation of attacks on the south East Kurdish region where the government has targeting schools, turning them into police stations and military barracks. Taking away children and young people’s right to access education and destroying their ability to learn. This is nothing less than educational vandalism.

“The NASUWT will continue to provide practical support and solidarity to colleagues in Turkey and will continue its actions to press the UK Government to use its influence to end the shameful attacks on human rights and trade union freedoms in Turkey.”

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