Commenting on the publication of the OECD’s 2015 PISA study, Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the largest teachers’ union in the UK, said:
“PISA has long-recognised that the success of any education system depends on creating the conditions in which qualified teachers are developed, recognised and rewarded.
"Securing high standards of teaching and learning depends on having motivated and committed teachers who have working conditions that enable them to focus on teaching in the classroom.
“This year's PISA results raise important questions about the purpose and benefits of the Government's relentless and unjustified programme of education reforms over the course of the last six years and what more could have been achieved without such costly distractions.
"PISA once again confirms that our teachers are doing a great job, but often in challenging circumstances.
"Those education systems that work best also demonstrate greater respect for the work of teachers.
"The Government should learn the lessons of PISA by taking swift action to end the continuing erosion of teachers’ terms and conditions, status and morale which have precipitated the deepest crisis in teacher recruitment and retention for decades.”